- サミットにおいて両首脳が 3 日間にわたって行なった議論は終始なごやかな雰囲気に包まれていた
at the summit a friendly atmosphere characterized all the discussions held by the two leaders over a period of three days 意味
- "at the suggestion of" 意味
- "at the suggestion of one of our number" 意味
- "at the suggestion of one's coach" 意味
- "at the suggestion of someone who is a friend of mime" 意味
- "at the suit of" 意味
- "at the summit it was agreed that we would unite to reduce the gap between rich and poor nations" 意味
- "at the summit of a mountain" 意味
- "at the summit of power" 意味
- "at the summit, a wooden sign gave the altitude as 3,192 meters above sea level" 意味
- "at the suggestion of someone who is a friend of mime" 意味
- "at the suit of" 意味
- "at the summit it was agreed that we would unite to reduce the gap between rich and poor nations" 意味
- "at the summit of a mountain" 意味